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静香 shizuna(jap )


SH独家100%真人实拍! real-time selfie ! Japanese 高颜值组又➕1了! 超白瘦幼款。童颜巨乳 EE奶, 19岁!静香Shizuka

颜值: 完全没说的,这波是硬货,硬货。颜控不怂。超级大的天然水汪汪漂亮大眼睛,翘萌小鼻子➕天然粉嫩元气樱桃口。我愿称之为:真人S D瓷娃娃。真人的脸蛋儿➕全身是非常的白皙,白瘦幼天花板级别的货。19岁已查护照,脸蛋儿青春香香气息;胶原蛋白满满。

身材:完全没说的➕1!身体也是超白嫩滑细腻,因为非常嫩,狼们懂的都懂。EE天然坚挺胶原蛋白奶,一晃一晃完全顶不住…… 微微乳香诱人… 零赘肉小蛮腰,四肢纤细,双腿修长白皙… 建模娃娃,好TM爱… TM嫩啊… 这个好货真心推荐。

350-30mins 550-60mins 1100-2h

Only in Sydhrm and we promise all the photos are 100% real-time selfie!

Another amazing Japanese girl Shizuka join us! Beautiful sister with bay face but sexy body. You will definitely attracted by her face at first eyesight! 9.9/10 scored face with big bright eyes, delicate nose and lively lips will make you mad. Just like a real pretty doll. Only 19 years old and very tactful girl. About the figure, E-cup natural breasts are paired with a slim waist and beautiful legs without any flab. I promise you can’t hold yourself when she is in front of you. Just come to Sydhrm and make an appointment!

350-30mins 550-60mins 1100-2h

静香 shizuna(jap )


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