shirley (taiwan)
21岁 176cm EE CUP 48KG600-1h 1100-2h
Sydnehrm独家,硬货,新下海。公寓真人实拍。零整容又一高妹, 喜欢新人,趁其不懂行情,定最性价比的价格回馈狼友;感恩各位新老客户捧场。176净身高绝无水分,绝无拉长腿,拍照很难完全入框的程度。双E坚挺傲乳,上衣直接被撑开,当场衬衣扣子扣不上的程度…… 超高个子看起来御姐,其实嫩的一批;刚来悉尼,新下海懵懂的一批。颜值高:巴掌大小的瓜子脸型,超美天然大眼睛,微微小翘鼻,淡妆素裹挡不住妈生美貌。 身材:不用多说了所见即所得,真比例天花板,干净纤长玉腿,匀称紧实,又瘦而不柴。烟酒不沾,皮肤细腻紧实,自带反光,肤若凝脂,自带光泽。平常不穿高跟鞋,无青筋玉足。
Only in Sydnehrm and we promise all the photos are real-time selfie!
This is Shirley comes from Taiwan. A new girl who enter in this industry with top cost performance. A very natural girl who is tall and slim. 176cm high but only 48kg weighed, just like your sexy stepsister. E cup boobs, just imagine those two soft rabbits unbutton the shirt! You will never meet girls have such kind of beautiful body. She didn’t smoke or drink which bring her White and delicate skin. About the appearance, a small and exquisite face with bright,big eyes, delicate pink nose and tender lips like cherry. I can’t believe you can hold on if she is in front of you. Trust me, just choose she and have a memorable experience.